Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My ball and I

Got fed up with Winsor Pilates, so I got myself a Fitness ball and DVD to go with it.
Featuring Skinny Bitch Moira and Flexible Ass PJ.
And then there was me. "Dynamic Balance" - More like "Hysterically Unbalanced"
Trying to keep up with the bitches on my ball, that for some reason didn't seem as stable as their ones. I must get some support wheels or something, like you get for small bikes.
Anyway, I was absolutely crap and wobbled around like a big toad on this ball for about 45 minutes. I could most relate to the exercise "The Elephant", yep I really felt at home on that one.

Today on the other hand, phew I am am aching like a hyena in every part of the body, apart from maybe my nose and ears.
So I am absolutely carrying on with this shit for a few more weeks to see what happens.

Tuesday and I am starting work at 11am. Got another few minutes to blab away.

Hate mornings when you find yourself staring at your wardrobe for about 10 minutes, just looking and thinking and looking and thinking and realising there is NOTHING I want or even could wear. So I slid myself into an old knackered grey skirt and a black t-shirt. I look like crap, but anything is better than going naked.
So on came the washing machine and I am going to sort it all out tonight. Hopefully Vingaker Outlet with sort things out for me on the 22 September, when me and my sister are rocking the party.

Cut a side fringe yesterday, looks ok. My hair is getting longer every day. Should be down to my waist in time for our wedding.

Oh how I wish I had some money to buy clothes with. A few hundred to just burn at Bluewaters lovely shops would be nice. And I could chuck this god-awful skirt in the pond.
Laminated a quote I liked yesterday at work.

"I have enough money to last for the rest of my life - unless I buy something"
Jackie Mason

Yep that's me.

Must run.

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