Friday, October 03, 2008

Mummy code

Went to Boots today to get some anti-colic drops for Jessie and while I was there I strolled by the fragrance section to have a little look (smell). I tried the Armani code perfume and ooooooh how nice! Usually when you spray a perfume on your wrist the scenario is as follows:
1. First sniff - The smell of alcohol over-powers you
2. Second sniff - The perfume fragrance sneaks in and you nod and sniff again
3. Third sniff - Now you're picturing yourself wearing this perfume in different situations
4. After the fourth sniff you put the bottle back on the shelf and think: I'll let the fragrance sink in a bit and see how I feel about it after having worn it for an hour...
And for me, that's usually it. After an hour I am either hating the perfume or finding it completely too sweet, too strong or too something else...

But this one...I got to the "I'll leave it for an hour" bit and left the shop. I took 5 steps outside the shop and already the little beauty had started to seduce me. I stopped and thought, shall I go back in and get it? No, that's silly. Go back to your car. So I did. In the car, sniffing my wrist again...ooooooooooooooooooh, niiiiiiiice! It smelled so sexy and seductive I was just smiling to myself.

Anyway, I've just been on Cheapsmells website and ordered myself a bottle. Mums don't have much fun, so maybe this will make me feel all sexy and flirty!

PS. I will of course be wearing a dress like above to the next Mother and Baby group!!

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