Friday, June 20, 2008

Furniture and DIY

This beauty has just been ordered among other furniture for Ellen's new room, and the baby's new room. The chaise lounge is for the nursery, and I plan to spend many a sleepless night in it! I was "umming and errring" whether to go for a cheaper option, but this one is sooo comfortable it had to be worth it. If it saves me a wrinkle or two it's well worth it!

So a little toddler bed with matching bedside table, a lovely big wardrobe, a little bookcase in the shape of a dolls house and a little bookcase to keep all her little books has been ordered for Ellen's new room. The baby's room just needed a set of IKEA chest of drawers, a smaller changing unit and the chaaaaaiiiise loooounge... Wonderful.
I can sleep well tonight, knowing that its all on its way.
We've also got a date for the carpet fitting in Ellen's new room. In two weeks time it should be all done and we can start assembling the furniture, which I am sure will take another 2 weeks!

I've decided to get prepared earlier this time round, as last time I was pregnant, me and my mother-in-law were assembling Ellen's cot when I was 8 months pregnant, the summer was in full swing ie the nursery was about 100 degrees hot. God, we were both swearing at the bloody thing.
So this time, I am hoping to have it all done within the month...

So that was a typically boring blog post, showing what an incredibly interesting life I lead at the moment! But who knows, its Friday night...its the weekend, I might go crazy who knows!!!

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