Monday, October 08, 2007

Horrible Hornet

Yesterday Steve came running into the livingroom explaining that he'd just caught a giant wasp. He'd taken some photos before letting it go in the garden. See below...
We googled "giant wasp" and got the description of a Hornet (in Swedish: Vespa) and that was most probably what it was. It was enormous. I am not leaving the house ever again if those beasts are out there.

Wikipedia told us the following: Hornets are the largest eusocial wasps, reaching up to 45 millimetres (1.8 inches) in length. A Hornet's sting is harmful, but the sting toxicity varies greatly by hornet species. Some deliver just a typical insect sting, while others are among the most venomous known insects[1]. Allergic reactions can occur. Depending on the severity, these may result in death!!!!!????? Nope, not leaving the house...


Anonymous said...

Det heter också Bålgeting på svenska.

Anonymous said...

Aha! Jag jag tankte fan, den heter Horn-geting eller nat...Balgeting var det ja. Hurra vilken acklig en!