Thursday, January 04, 2007

A walk in the park

Its midday and I've just got back from a lovely walk in the sunshine. Its 11 degrees outside, crisp air and blue skies. Had to get to the park so I loaded the pram and the dogs in the back of my car, dressed Ellen in her fluffy white jacket and off we all went. Oh yes, I forgot, I also put some custard cream biscuits in the storage under the pram (for an emergency with the dogs, if they decided they wanted to run away and I couldn't call them back or something. Biscuits always does the trick to get their attention).
The dogs were great. Its the first time I've gone for a walk with the two dogs and the pram but Dak & Indy walked like little troopers and I got a few amazed and impressed looks from some dog owners. I felt like the proudest mum in the world, and that's just for the dogs! Ellen was sitting up in the pram, with her little Pippi Langstrump hat, watching the world go by.

So today I am organizing the annexe. Gotta sort that mess out. Cleared out the office yesterday and it looks so much nicer. Just need to get some curtains. Might steal the ones from upstairs for now.

That's all from me for the moment.

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