Friday, January 19, 2007

Stormy Days and Nights

Ok. So now I know what its really all about. Sleep depravation in its finest. Have had 2 hours sleep and feel like a ghost. Well I think now I am actually waking up slightly, surfing on adrenaline or something, whatever keeps a person going...

Ellen has decided its great fun to wake up every 30 minutes during the night to wimper and cry and as soon as we show our head in the door, she smiles at you and thinks its hilarous that she is awake. God knows why. Am going to try my best to keep her awake today, although I am struggling to keep myself awake.

Anyway, I cracked this morning after 4 hours of solid crying from her end. There is only so much you can take. And when you have tried everything, feeding, soothing, carrying, bopping round, singing, your body says: "NO! That's it. I am not moving anymore. I just want to lie down." Then that's where the trouble begins. Baby crying, my body and mind not operating anymore. Spoke to Steve on the phone and he brought me back down to planet earth. At the end of the day, its only crying...and its not going to go on forever, but when you're in it, it really feels like the world is about the go under.

So I am not the most wide-eyed person today.

After having spent yesterday looking after Ellen and working in between her naps, I was dead in the evening, and we went to bed at 10pm. Not sure I can cope with that today. Will see how it goes. At least the sun is shining today.

Now to the storm damage! The fun part!
My dear car was ever so lucky. One of our big fir trees decided to fall down and landed about 10 cm from the bonnet of my car. Thank the lord it wasn't one of the bigger trees or my car would have been a write-off. So here's a picture:

Then there was some damage to our carport. One of the panels flew off and landed on my bathroom fitters van. Luckily no damage to his van, phew.

He had apparently driven off last night with a strange clunking and banging noise coming from underneath the car, thinking that the exhaust was about the fall off. So this morning he drove into his local garage, and asked a mecanic to check it out. The mechanic took one look under the car and said: "I think this might be the problem", and pulled out half a tree! (not the tree in the picture below...)

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