Friday, April 25, 2008

Drained to the bones

Even typing this is an effort. My body feels like it weighs 200 kilos and I literally drag my feet when I am walking. I've got no energy, no patience, everything's an effort (apart from cuddling Ellen) but I still can't sleep at night. Lying awake with a strange tickling sensation in my legs and arms, I usually manage to get to sleep about 2am. Then when its time to get up around 6-7am I am wacked. Get up??? No chance!!!

Not been a good week. I cannot WAIT to travel over to Sweden to see my sister, Filip & my mum. Its just me going and the thought of sitting on an airplane on my own without a child to entertain for 2 hours, sounds like bliss. I am going to bring a lovely book to read, some little snacks and a drink and Ryanair - you can take as loooong as you want to get to Stockholm - I don't care anymore!!! Its going to be a lovely break!

I am now more than half way into my second pregnancy and I've put on, let's see, 5 kgs so far. Not too bad, but like I said, I still feel like I weigh a ton, so what good is that...?

Got work to do now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Håll ut tjejen.Kämpa på. Det kommer nåt bra så småningom.
Vi ses snart, kram,M.