Tuesday, May 15, 2007

4 o'clock wake up call

Not only dizzy today, feeling absolutely fuzzy and wacked in the head.
Ellen has decided to have tooth-ache again. Glad she's getting some more teeth to chew those big bread bits she stuffs in her gob, but not so happy about the crying at 4am.
She basically just screams, straight out! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...and then again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA there is really nothing you can do. I tried giving her some pain-relief which she basically just coughed back up. Not a happy bunny. So today is a little bit fuzzy around the edges as I said. She's catching up on some sleep now though. I, stupidly, cannot sleep and decided to make a Spagetti Bolognaise for myself. Why? Go to bed you fool.

My vertigo is easing, I think. Went round to my mother-in-law yesterday and felt ok, but now and again my head just spins and I feel drunk again. Just like being hung-over really. But I haven't drunk for daaaays...buhhuuu.

Its raining lots today. Not much fun out there and not much fun in here either. Having a major clean of the house again.

Two things I am feeling proud about:
1. I am cooking food for Ellen and making little pots of "Baby Bolognaise & Pasta", "Carrot & Salmon Pure", "Tomato Courgette & Cheese Pasta" ooooh its alll lovely and she scoffs it. Its really satisfying to see her eat it all, and it tasts 10 times better than the food you can buy. Yes, a bit of hassle, but then you've got food for 1-2 weeks in the freezer. So nice.

2. Our potty-training (well not quite potty-training, more like potty-routine) is going well. FOr about 1,5 weeks I have put her on the potty after lunch and after her other feeds and sleeps. 8 times out of 10 she goes and so pleased she's getting the hang of it. So we'll see how it goes.

Things I am looking forward to though: Sarah's Hen Weekend and the weekend after that me and Ellelina are going to Sweden, Oxelosund to be precise, to see Sara, Filip & my muuuum. Hurrraaaaah! Super Excited.

Now I am going to shut my eyes for 3 seconds. I'll expect a cry from upstairs in 4 seconds then....

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