Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yummy mummys

Sad quizteam name, eh!? Haha, but not so sad "mummys" as we are going out tonight! Sooo lovely to have an evening or two to look forward to, without baby drewl or gurgling. A few glasses of vino and off we go with the quiz.
Last time I brought the quiz sheet home to Steve to ask him the questions afterwards...I read out the question, "what was the name of the race horse that died last week". He knew the answer (desert orchid) straight away, and I said "by this stage I was too drunk to actually remember the bloody horses name"...Steve pointed out that was question number 1 ...oh dear...
So maybe less drinking and more concentrating tonight would be my advise to myself.

What else. Little Ellen had her 2nd injection on Monday. She smiled her way through it...until we got home. Then she became evil-baby! Veeery unhappy and very noisy pretty much all day. But I'll give her a break as she's been so lovely today. Although now when she's discovered she has a voice she keeps babbling all sorts of gobbledy-gook and today she's been trying out her "ultrasound" register. Imagine the highest pitched sound you possibly can, then imagine that on helium - That's her! Peeeeeeepppp, Ppeeeeeeppp. Screeeetch

Time to make some dinner as Steve has just appeared. Then off to the shower and slap the make-up on. We don't wanna look like the Scummy Mummys now, do we?!


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