Sunday, December 31, 2006

Winter Agility

Now, what do you do on a grey, grizzly Sunday when everyone's bored, including the dogs?

You set up a agility course in the garden, well maybe not a whole course, one jump!

We armed ourselves with bits of cheese and off we went.

Dak went first

He raced towards the jump and Whooooosh, he cleared it in one!

Well done!

One piece of cheese to you!

Indy went second

Steve showed him how to jump,
but Indy decided he didn't want to go over.

His big, fat bottom slammed into the jump.


No cheese for you...

Dak's second attempt

Ah, Steve swoshes over, but what...?

Dak goes round it...why bother with all this jumping?

Indy's second attempt

Oh yes!!!

He's over!

But nooo, the jump crashes but not to worry.

Cheese all round!

That's better!

Well done to you!

And here's the winner!

Dakota Newman, from Halesowen!

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