Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Barbie, Cindy & Kenneth

In about 3 weeks I could be an auntie! I am so excited about seeing my sister-in-law's baby for the first time. Lucky Lorraine. Hope its my turn soon!
We were brainstorming names the other night. Jordan...Bluebell...Rodney... She knows its a girl and has a name or two that are favourites, but still open to suggestions. If anyone has any good ones, please let me know.
Barbie, Cindy and Kenneth...no, not Ken...Kenneth


Can't wait to travel to Sweden on the 22 Sept. Staying at my sisters and I am so excited.
Shopping, chatting, eating/drinking, farting and generally just having my sister close again!
Thank the Lord for Ryanair. 40 ding-dongs return.

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