Monday, October 01, 2007

Breakfast, injections & IKEA

Good morning,
Well not quite.
Went to the pub to do the quiz last night and when we got back Ellen decided she wanted to howl the place down for about 1 hour. So I think we finally got to bed about 1 in the morning. Steve got called out on an emergency by work about 4am I think, it was dark and cold anyway, and all I could think was "keep your voice down so you don't wake the baby", what an evil person I am, when my beloved has to get suited and booted at 4 in the morning to go driving a bus from Pitsea to Gillingham. Christ. But no "does he HAVE to shower???!!! He'll wake the bloody baaaby!!!".
About 5 minutes after Steve's left, Ellen started crying. Its pitch dark and I scrambled for my phone to check the time. It was six o'clock. Hang on...where did those 2 hours go, I certainly didn't feel like I'd slept for two hours. Nope, it was definately 6am and Ellen was ready to party.
So not such a good morning.

Then while we were eating breakfast I completely startled myself, made me jump and everything, by remembering it was today Ellen was going to have her final injections. I checked the time. 15 minutes til our appointment, chriiiiiist, schwiiiish schwoooosh nappies, clothes, wipe her face, t-shirt on, wipe her nose, trousers on, wipe her face again, in the car, GOOOO! We made it. Just. She got a little sticker that said "I am protected from bugs". She didn't eat the sticker like last big girl.

I hate my pillow. Its not even worthy of being called a pillow. Just flat and hard and awful. So when the little one wakes up I am venturing off to IKEA in Thurrock. I haven't been there in ages, so why not. Its raining outside and its just horrible. Cold and wet and miserable. But liking the fact that you can actually wear jeans again, without sweating your socks off.

Finally, two timewasting shots of our breakfast.
I had the lovely Rachels organic Vanilla Yoghurt with cranberry & melon cereal, while poor Ellen was stuck with a squidgy banana and a Raspberry Fruit Tumble yoghurt.


Anonymous said...

What a day. have you got a skönare pillow now? Sömn är bristvara när man är småbarnsförälder.

Helena said...

Japp, de nya kuddarna ar underbara. Annu svarare att komma ur sangen nu...