Sunday, October 15, 2006

Too much energy?

Well I guess I took about 10 months off writing in this blog... Is that what pregnancy does to ya?
Ellen is now 8 weeks and I was expecting to be more tired that this as a parent.
I am bouncing out of bed ready to tackle the days. Going to the gym 3 times a week and spending the rest of my time with family and friends. I can't believe I actually have my own little family now!

Labour was not much fun and I had to have a blood transfusion due to some complications I won't go into detail about. I am sure though, that through that transfusion I got blood from a woman who is obsessive about cleaning. I haven't stopped folding towels or picking up crumbs since that day.
And lining things up...gotta be in a straight line. I am almost scaring myself!

Tomorrow my sister and her boyfriend arrives at Stansted airport at 07:55 and me and Ellen are picking them up. Can't wait. We're off to London for some sightseeing...or maybe I will put them on the top deck of a bus and head off to Top Shop myself! Get in there. Haven't been to London is yonks. I tend to spend my money on Ebay instead of shops. Can't wait.

Sooo, what else? We've bought about 20 acres of field behind our house, and we're expanding our garden quite a bit. Our pond will be dug out this week and bushes and trees will be removed to make a huge, lovely garden. Guess if the dogs will like it!

I guess I just posted this to let you all know I am still alive and kickin' chicken.
Will be back more frequently from now on I hope. In between making formula and washing baby pyjamas.

Over and out.

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