Sunday, April 29, 2007

Best friends

"What? There is a big dog next to me?

"Oh this one...oh he's just a big pussycat"

Friday, April 20, 2007


Found these "old" photos of Ellen on my phone.
Thought I'd share them with ya'll!!

The first one is the day after we got back from the hospital.

And this one is her in her "Old-Geezer Trousers" pulled right up under her armpits!

So small the straps in the car-seat were too big...nowadays I have trouble getting them to fit!!!

Ehm, I think she takes after her father in this picture...cause I don't think she looks like my daughter!! Haha, she looks mad!

"Great Mum, thanks....strap me onto a shopping trolley...."

Summer clothes & nurseries

Oh, the sun the sun the sun. I love the sun! Its proper Spring weather here and life feels wonderful. Glorious flowers and beautiful birdsong, all was perfect...until I opened my wardrobe.....
Realized yesterday I had NOTHING to wear. While I was pregnant I threw away so many clothes (or at least tucked them away somewhere safe in storage) that I thought I'd never be able to wear again. What a stupid thing to do.
As I rummaged round the wardrobe pulling out faded black tops and jeans smelling of mildew or something, I knew I had to sort this out.
So me and little Torrence (Ellen...nickname....don't ask...) packed ourselves into my Jeep and headed off to Lakeside. Lakeside, this huge shopping centre that I haven't been to in ages, and truly forgotten how great it is! I zoomed round for about 1 hour trying dresses on and shoes and god knows what, bought a few little things and just when I was thinking "oh time to go Ellens getting tired", she fell asleep in the pram....AH! Well how excellent, I thought, and carried on into H&M. Came out with a rather large bag full of clothes and then stumbled into another mistake of course...and ended up in another changing room trying more dresses and more tops on.
So after about 2-3 hours I went home and ooooh how nice my wardrobe looks all of a sudden. Retail therapy certainly works as I was soooo cheerful that evening.
And bounced out of bed this morning, cause I knew there was a lovely dress to wear!

So, I've decided to use the creche at the gym for the first time. Haven't really had the need for it til now. I just really fancy a workout today and will give it a go.
Will see how it goes. Hopefully she will be fine and just enjoy sitting on the playmat with all the other babies...I am just dreading her screaming the place down and me having to take her home again. But I can only try.

Pierce & Louise had their son Archie Michael Peter, Wednesday, 18 April. Such wonderful news and I can't wait to see him!

Went to yoga on Wednesday as well. Lisa was going and asked if I wanted to tag along. I though great, haven't done yoga for a while. I remembered all the "moves" and managed to keep up with the other yogi-bears and felt great afterwards...until I woke up the next morning...oouch...legs, bum and shoulders....could I feel it...yeeeeees.
And as the day progressed both me and Lisa were suffering more and more. Maybe its another reason why I am dying to workout today, cause I realised I am so unfit...

Ellen is awake now, gotta go.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Little sister getting married!!!!!

I got an SMS yesterday from my sister, saying that she'd got ENGAGED! Oooooohhhh, how wonderful. First I smiled my biggest smile, then I got all warm inside, then I started feeling incredibly sentimental. My little sister getting married, my little sister...and thought back to our childhood and so a little tear rolled down my face.
Huhuuuuu, how wonderful! God, if I am a wreck like that after an SMS, imagine what I'll be like at the wedding.........I would suggest putting me somewhere right at the back, maybe in a cupboard to drown out the sobs...

So proud! So happy! Did I say soooo proud!?!! And happy! And proud and happy!
Up in the Swedish winterlandscapes in Ammarnas it happened. Can't wait to speak to her properly as we still haven't had a chance. Apparently they had a power-cut due to all the storms up there. But anyway, I will update you all soon with details on rings, the bride to be and all their plans! YAAAAY!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

She's zooming around

Now the exploration has begun. My gosh. Little Ellen is zooming round in her walker in the kitchen, opening drawers, checking out the dogs water bowl, opening cabinet doors, pulling out recipes from drawers and eating them...
Yep, she is definately started her exploration-adventure, and I guess its neverending from this moment on...

Had a lovely weekend with grassmowing,lie-ins (all 3 of us!),chilling and Sunday was spent in Surrey in Chobham at a busrally. We weren't really there for the buses though, just for a nice day out and doughnuts in the grass. Ellen loved it. She was grinning at all the god they are weird (some of them anyway). They all have mad hairdoos, the curlier and fluffier the better, and I even saw a cross-dresser. A man with a deeep v-neck jumper, long fluffy hair (of course!), earrings, an evening ladies purse....need I go on?

I have a new favourite fruit: The Dragon Fruit! What a great, super, wonderful looking thing it is! It looks delicious and it IS delicious. Here's a pic.

Just wonderful.

Going round to Lisa's today. Ellen and Lauren can play together and we can talk about adult things for once.

Tonight I'm heading to the gym for the first time in ages. Just really fancy going back although I am usually shattered by 7pm. But nope, with the lighter evenings its going to be lovely. And to end the session with a cool swim, aaah yes.

Going to get some lunch down my neck now.